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Study visit to Upper Silesia

Between 6 and 7 November, representatives of local government units and non-governmental organisations from our voivodeship participated in a study visit to Upper Silesia. The visit was organised by the Department of Regional Development as part of the implementation of the project 'Support for the implementation of the Fair Transformation Fund in the Wałbrzych sub-region', co-financed by European Funds for Lower Silesia 2021-2027. 

The visit was attended by local government officials from Świdnica, Ząbkowice Śląskie, Dzierżoniów, the Municipalities of Pieszyce, Ziębice, Stoszowice and representatives of the Eco-Union and Ziemia Dzierżoniów Association. 

During the two-day visit, the participants became acquainted with the effects of the post-mining land transformation processes in Katowice, Gliwice, Czeladź and Bytom. It was also an opportunity to exchange experiences and good practices in the preparation and implementation of projects related to fair transformation.

As part of the visit, the following cities were visited:
  • Katowice - a meeting at the Branch of the Katowice History Museum on the NIKISZOWIEC estate with representatives of the Central Mining Institute - National Research Institute, the Marshal Office of the Silesian Voivodeship and the Katowice City Hall. The activities of the Management System for Mining Areas in the Silesian Voivodeship and the activities of the City of Katowice in the field of equitable transformation were presented. During the meeting, the vision of the New Technology District - Katowice Gaming and Technology HUB, on the sites of adapted facilities of the Wieczorek coalmine, was presented. The delegation also visited the Nikiszowiec Estate, which was declared a Monument of History in 2011.
  • Czeladź – the meeting started at the City Hall, where Mayor Zbigniew Szaleniec presented examples of the revitalisation of post-mining facilities in Czeladź. A key point of the visit was a tour of the former Saturn mine site, whose spaces have been transformed and adapted to new functions. The Guildhall, GSW Elektrownia and the SATURN Community Services and Local Activity Centre (CUSiAL) were presented.
  • Gliwice – a tour of the complex of buildings of the former "Gliwice" coal mine, where the "Nowe Gliwice" Education and Business Centre currently operates. GAPR sp. z o.o. (business incubator, economic activity zone and conference centre).  
  • Bytom – welcoming of the Lower Silesian delegation by the Deputy Mayor of the City, Michał Bieda, on the premises of the Skarpa Bytom Climbing and Strength Sports Centre. A visit to the largest climbing centre in Poland, which was built in the post-industrial spaces of the former "Rozbark" coal mine.