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About LSIS

GENESIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOCUMENT Regional Innovation Strategy for the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2011-2020 (RIS LSV 2011-2020)

In 2005, one year after Poland's accession to the European Union, the Board of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship adopted the Lower Silesian Innovation Strategy, which was in force for 6 consecutive years and defined the directions of innovation policy in Lower Silesia and the scope and methods of cooperation between regional authorities and the science sector and enterprises. In 2011, due to intensive socio-economic changes in the region and the effects of the global economic crisis, the document was updated and the Board adopted the Regional Innovation Strategy for the Lower Silesian Voivodeship for 2011-2020 (RIS LSV 2011-2020).

n 2015, the document was supplemented by an annex ‘Strategic Framework for the Smart Specialisations of Lower Silesia’. This annex, together with a description of the 6 Smart Specialisations identified for the region, was the result of conducting an entrepreneurial discovery process whose genesis was the recommendations of the European Commission (Europe 2020. Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth) with recommendations to the Member States on reforming the system of conducting research, development and innovation activities, which is to be based on increasing the role of knowledge and innovation as drivers of future development in EU countries, as a result of increasing the quality of education, improving the results of research activities, supporting the transfer of innovation and knowledge and the transformation of innovative ideas into new products and services. One of the instruments for the implementation of the EU priority - the knowledge economy - was the introduction of the concept of regional and national areas of smart specialisation. The need to identify and indicate smart specialisations at the national and regional level, also resulted from the need to meet the ex-ante condition, included in the Partnership Agreement, and was a criterion for receiving support for smart areas in operational programmes for 2014-2020.



Due to the 8th anniversary of the implementation of the RSI LSV 2011-2020, the upcoming new programmatic and financial perspective of the European Union, changes in the socio-economic situation of the Lower Silesian region, and the recent update of the superior strategic documents of the voivodeship (LSI 2030) and the country (SOR- Strategy for Responsible Development), it became necessary to update the Strategy and to supplement it with elements confirming the fulfilment of the criteria of the so-called ‘basic condition’, the fulfilment of which will guarantee the receipt and disbursement of at least 35% of the funds for the objective ‘Smarter Europe through supporting innovative and smart economic transformation’. The Strategy has to be updated and supplemented with elements confirming the fulfilment of the criteria of the so-called ‘basic condition’ the fulfilment of which will guarantee the receipt and disbursement of at least 35% of the funds in the new ROP allocated to the objective ‘A smarter Europe through supporting innovative and smart economic transformation’. The Lower Silesian Innovation Strategy 2030 has been adapted to the current needs and opportunities of the region's economy, allowing for effective use of public funds, including European funds available for development.

Our ambition is to produce a document that properly defines the potentials and strengths of the voivodeship in the area of innovation and modern economy, but also those areas that require continuous improvement and investment. To this end, we decided to socialise the process of creating the document by involving as many representatives of the economic, scientific and research environment and local government as possible. By reaching out to individual stakeholder groups during public consultations, the strategy became a document that was 'discussed' and accepted by a wide range of actors. We hope that the involvement of such a large group of stakeholders, at the stage of creating the document, will contribute to its effective implementation in the years to come.


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