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About LSIS

The Lower Silesian Innovation System is a spatially interlinked system of various entities operating within the so-called quadruple helix, carrying out innovative activities, as well as links and relations between them. The functioning of the system is determined by three elements - entities, processes, relations. Their synergies and dynamics influence the ability to create and disseminate innovation in the region.

The prospects for further economic development are directly influenced by the condition and effectiveness of the individual entities of the Lower Silesian Innovation System. The role of enterprises should be emphasised. They are responsible for introducing innovations into the economy. Before this happens, research and development and scientific entities and business environment institutions provide entrepreneurs with the necessary resources in the form of human capital and tools to support and finance the development of innovation. The regional government acts as a facilitator, supporting communication within the innovation system and setting priority directions to maintain an adequate pace of development in this system.

Two important bodies have been established whose task will be to provide substantive and organisational support to the provincial government in conducting the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process within the framework of the system. These are: